My tweets

Jun 23, 2017 12:00

  • Thu, 14:05: It's such a beautiful day, I think, as a bug flies straight towards my face.
  • Thu, 20:25: #today and I want to walk some more! Hahah #goals #fitness #lghealth
  • Thu, 21:49: Being a survivor from sexual assault at different times of my life, emotionallymentallyphysically abused, screwed up myself...I'm happy now.
  • Thu, 22:21: RT @ ihatequotes: Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, & leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.
  • Fri, 06:44: RT @ KamalaHarris: To my fellow Senators, I say: Stand up and stop the GOP health care bill. Speak that truth. Now is not the time to keep q…
  • Fri, 08:00: There were flying saucers and no one told me. *Eats last one*
  • Fri, 10:54: I really truly hope that my exes are happy and healthy, I have no ill will towards them. 💙💜💗

#lghealth, twitter, #goals, #fitness, #today

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