Finished...I think

Apr 02, 2013 13:13

Here is the finished (probably) and as yet un-named Great Gray Owl.

My only uncertainties are: I'm thinking of lightly tinting his Mother-of-Pearl eyes a more golden color. Real Great Grays have *extremely* bright yellow eyes...but I'm concerned they might get to strong and distracting? Also, Im concidering adding a straight-edged border, possibly in one of the book-leather colors.

The book titles ended up being: "Who's Hoo", "Harry Potter and the Parliament of Owls", "Birdwatching by Night", "Moon Phases" and "Roberts Rules of Order". The image itself still *desperately* needs a name if anyone has a suggestion???? Come on all you writer-types, help me out!

Giclee' prints of this image will be available in May.

original art, giclee' prints

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