Ok so I was looking for work shoes today and found these beauties instead...
I really didn't want to buy anything other than shoes for work, but I returned to this pair about 4 times until I decided I just need to buy them. I couldn't stop coming back to them. So I bought them. My problem is I really don't have anything to wear with them. lol. Would these be cute with jeans? Idunno.
I need some clothing ideas for these shoes. They are super comfy, too, which is a plus.
On a side note, I bought Steve some fabulous box sets for his birthday. It's not for another two weeks, but since I had time today I figured I might as well get what I can. I also talked to two Twilight fans/employees at FYE and got myself trapped into FYE's midnight release for Twilight and into their costume contest. lol. Oi. Steve's gonna kill me when I tell him. Haha.
Ok, gotta go get ready for work. I've gotta finish Rinoa too. Geez. Basch is on my lap now being super cuddly and getting hair all over my clothes.