I post here too much. Sorry if I'm spamming your f-list. I just have no life this week despite how busy I've been.
Flo at Dragon*Con....bring? Yes? No?
I think Dragon*Con and Jacon may be our only cons this year considering how busy we've both been. Sadness. I really want to go to Megacon, but there's just no way I'll be able to spew out three costumes (not jsut for me) in a couple weeks and study for school and get stuff done around the house. Maybe next year will be more con-friendly.
And now for something completely different...
Basch now seems to be obsessed with making himself comfortable on top of the closet doors!! So today he decided to do it again and I was finally able to catch it. The last time he was up there I didn't realize he was there and I closed the closet doors and he fell down. Oops.