We're back!
We had a GREAT time at GenCon!
first, the business: salewise, we've done incrementally better each year since we started having a table in the art show. usually we would do just a small amount better than the year before, but last year was a significant jump up from the year before. we considered it somewhat of a fluke and certainly not something to count on for this year. our intention was to hope for sales that were slightly better than the year before-- counting last year as an anomaly. but it was hard not to be disappointed a bit when the early part of the weekend didn't seem to be living up to the banner year last year.
well, when all was said and done, we increased our sales a significant amount over the big year last year! a substantial jump!
so, we're quite happy about that.
But, business aside, we simply just had a blast as always. Most of our time at GenCon is spent chatting with other artists. these are my colleagues-- my brothers and sisters in the trenches-- whom i don't get to see on a day to day basis. but beyond that, they are kindred spirits with whom i share a great deal. we "get" each other-- as creators, as freelancers, as fellows who share in all the ridiculousness (both good and bad) of the fantasy/gaming industry, and just as folk who spend a great deal of time and energy devouring the world around us and cultivating our own visual offerings to send back out into it.
they are a generous, genuine, quirky and delightful bunch of individuals. and a hell of a lot of fun to be around.
I'm glad to be home. i have a whole lot of work ahead of me-- i'm rushing to catch up on work on another D&D cover (for one of their upcoming adventure modules) and then work on the Players Handbook 2. plus we have some print orders to fill (some from the convention, plus those prints we owe you fine folks from our Pre GenCon Sale-- thanks again for your support!).
but as tiring as GenCon (and all the travel) can be, i'm energized and looking forward to jumping into all these challenges.
glad to be back! how are all of you?