Oh crap. You know most folks dun pay attention to icon names or meanings... It was just the...darkest/gothiest/game-iest icon I had. I wanted to be one of the cool kids. *laughing*
This time you get 'wall pr0n', because I dun get a chance to use it much any more, & GUH!, and because what's going on down below, outside the view of the icon is...cool. *hoots*
I could 'glomp' you too, s'just...blowjo*b WINS, right?
i want:
(just cuz there's a slippery wet girl in it. i like D&D and all, but, y'know....)
This time you get 'wall pr0n', because I dun get a chance to use it much any more, & GUH!, and because what's going on down below, outside the view of the icon is...cool. *hoots*
I could 'glomp' you too, s'just...blowjo*b WINS, right?
yes, i think "blowjo*b wins" is an apt phrase in lots of situations.
plus, the icon is gothy and dark-- iron wall sconce and everything!
but gothy or no, i totally win!
p.s. glompjob? blowglomp? not sure what that even means, but it's funny.
Oo, that's right. Sconces rule, overhead lights drool.
Glompjob? Blowglomp? *shudders* Neither sound...((sanitary)) <--- M'yeah, never mind. I mean, really? o_0
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