Will definitely do. This week and next are going to be busy as hell, but I will nail down some time to make this happen in the immediate future. As you can see, my apartment isn't half as homey as it should be.
though, hopefully nerdom will fatten the coffers at least a little bit this saturday. who knows, though. gamers just don't buy much art. dammit. it'll be a lot of fun, regardless, though.
anyway, we'll be in touch soon and you can buy all the art you want!
I still need to buy lots and lots of artz from you.
i am teh poorz.
though, hopefully nerdom will fatten the coffers at least a little bit this saturday. who knows, though. gamers just don't buy much art. dammit. it'll be a lot of fun, regardless, though.
anyway, we'll be in touch soon and you can buy all the art you want!
have good/safe trips!
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