Here's a fairly recent piece for Anachronism
i didn't know it was out until someone came by my table at GenCon SoCal and asked if i could sign the set...
Here we have Cassandra, daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. She was blessed with the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but since she did not return his love, he cursed her such that none of her prophecies were believed.
while i often go for relatively sparse compositions anyway, in this one i wanted to push it further to give a feeling of isolation-- only including the figure and her shadow with lots of emptiness. she's somewhat awkwardly facing off the page, and i intentionally left a certain tension and inelegance in her hand to contrast with her otherwise elegant beauty.
i'm sure that just about anyone who knows her recognizes the model. as she was pretty much perfect for the character, i didn't really deviate from her actual look, so i got to pretty much paint a portrait of her.