Politics, Pet Peeves, and Micellanea

Aug 28, 2008 22:56

This isn't going to be an exhaustive discussion on politics, I just wanted to comment on the emotional aspect of the convention. I am not moved by very many things, however, watching Obama speak tonight was an exception and I found myself openly weeping. I have many reservations about the "plans" that he purports, especially where the funding is going to come from, but my toes are in the water and it was exciting to realize I have been more actively invovled in following the candidates this year than last election. I feel that it is important to thoroughly study the voting patterns of politicians, to watch their interactions with the people and listen carefully to responses. Charisma may count, but fleshing it out in action seals the deal. It's easy to get caught up in inspirational rhetoric, but the records can't be wiped clean. I am enjoying this campaign and am inspired by it, but I also cannot wait to further examine the evidence and the probable outcomes of the plans that are suggested.

It is a great privilage to vote, to find balance between progressivisim and conservativism, but it is much more wholesome and dignified to support that check mark in a box with good hard work. At least, that's what I believe.

Pet Peeves: a few opinions:
I don't want to sit down and have a three hour conversation about how I think it's wrong to openly marginalize a race, culture, or people of a different gender/sex or belief system. I don't think it's okay for me to make snide or casually hurtful or "mildly biased" remarks against white people because I wasn't allowed to go to a white school in Alabama, or against blacks for the same reason. I don't believe it's okay to make negative statements about certain groups or individuals based on a negative experience or emotional response. People think I overreact when I get in their face about how I think it is ethically and morally abhorrent to make such remarks, that 'it happens all the time' and 'it's idealistic' as if letting such things happen is acceptable and having an ideal to cling to is nice but it'll never be realized. Well you know it was a 'nice thought that women should be able to vote' and that we 'should get paid equal wages' or that 'minorities should hold office' or to a lesser extent, that 'blacks should be able to drink from the same water fountain as whites'.  I'm not saying you shouldn't get angry if someone wronged you, no, by all means get angry. Do whatever you have to do to heal yourself (without harming yourself or others. It just isn't necessary or helpful.), because that's human. But what's also human is reason, we have been blessed with intelligence and the ability to better ourselves and to some extent the environment around us. And that means not turning around and further damaging the integrity of others for the sake of a small peice of release.

A word on psychology about this (and yes, I'm getting all sciency on you): Many, many studies over decades on personality have shown that individuals cannot accurately judge themselves--what they are like as people. Your friends, your family members, your co-workers have a better understanding of you than you do. If there's some sort of issue they should be able to tell you and if you're hearing it from a bunch of people, then maybe you should listen. Discriminating against anyone or any group harms not only those marginalized, but it hurts the individual in question's ability to grow as a person.

Some people ask me, what about racial/sexist jokes? What about comedians who say it's okay? You know what the psychological definition of a joke is? A safety mechanism. It's also a manner to reduce stress. So a joke or a peson who brings these topics to the forefront are trying to get you to look at the bigger picture in a way that's a little less serious. Be under no illusion--it's to make light of the situation but in a way in which you can still think about it and maybe address it a little differently than if you were inflamed about the topic. It's in a forum that is generally safe and okay to openly think about them and maybe (if the comedian is good) get you inspired about doing something about the problem.

I've been wanting to do volunteer work for a while, but I wanted to find something that I could feel really tied to before jumping into it. I've been going to a non-denominational church for a while  and discovered a relaunching of a grief-support group there. While I have many qualms about the religious overtones in a support group, the fact remains that many programs are either too analytical and lack the warmth needed for the sorrowful or are unavailable all together. Therefore, I can see why many (as many as 90% of those who lost someone) turn to a house of worship for aid.

A friend informed me about a crisis hotline based in Tacoma that really helped her mother out and they take volunteers. The fact is I'd probably be more comfortable in a secular environment, but I think that I'd rather research this hotline possibility as a probable addition rather than a replacement for the grief support group.

Work is going great so far, been very busy with the new season turnover. But I recognize that I either need to make a change now or be holed in for another year. The third quarter results show that IT and retail are the two strongest contenders for job security, demand, pay, and benefits so I'm not worried at all for my stability. But honestly, it's time to move on.

I'd been to the gym on a regular basis, but the last couple of weeks I've only done videos at home. It's getting cooler in the afternoons and as I hate to see summer slip away, it will still be nice to be able to go out for a jog without having to worry about overheating.

The grad school search continues and as well as solidifying my decision on what my MA should be and what I will be happy with.

Wedding planning is better than expected and we should wrap up everything by the end of next month. By no means have everything paid for, but at least reserved and ready to go.

There was some other stuff I was going to type madly about but I've forgotten it seeing as it's quarter to midnight and I have to work tomorrow so we'll catch up some other time. Anyway...here's all my frustrations, opinions, and all I've worked, hoped, and prayed for thus far.

Good night and stay safe,


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