My New Philosophy on Phinals

May 01, 2005 14:49

Ok. So for the past 3 or so days I've been feeling very freaked out and overwhelmed by the amount of work and meetings I have to do in the next two weeks. Actually, the work itself isn't so bad--mostly that the scheduling and timing is very bad and I won't get a chance to start on the big stuff for a few days so it's hanging over my head and it's too big and I don't know where to start and AHHHH...


And now, after a cup of coffee, shopping and laughing with some friends, a shower, and a chance to get outside, I've decided that I need a new approach to this season of the semester.

It's not that I don't care about these papers--I do, in that I care about the material and I enjoy exercising these mental faculties. But more importantly, these classes and assignments are designed to help me learn, and I do feel that I have learned a lot over this semester. So assuming that I've learned what I'm supposed to learn (and I think that I have), these final papers will be a representation of that. As long as I find the time to devote to them (which I, for the sake of sanity, am assuming that I will), they will be ok. The profs are not out to get me. Really. They're giving me a chance to show what I know, and I will show them.

And hey, even if I don't do that well, I know that I've learned a lot and definitely feel more informed and critical and aware of things than I was before I took these classes. To be cheesy, I've grown. And whether or not I ace these finals, I will stil have that knowledge and the skills that I gained.

I'm still going to do the best I can. But I won't be worried that I'm not doing well enough. I will instead have faith that I am doing my best given whatever time and energy constraints that I have, and that will be enough.

Sound good?

PS: No thyroid problems. Still checking on anemia and vitamin deficiencies.
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