I was thinking about posting a poem a day here for you, but I decided that I'm not cut out for such discipline. So instead, expect intermittent poems that may or may not reflect anything in the world.
Here's something from The Wild Iris by Louise Gluck, the most recent book of poetry I bought. I want to post every single poem from this book because they are all heartbreakingly true and beautiful. Alas.
Do you know what I was, how I lived? You know
what despair is; then
winter should have meaning for you.
I did not expect to survive,
earth suppressing me. I didn't expect
to waken again, to feel
in damp earth my body
able to respond again, remembering
after so long how to open again
in the cold light
of earliest spring--
afraid, yes, but among you again
crying yes risk joy
in the raw wind of the new world.