So, it's been a while since I posted bandom-related stuff here. Depending on which way you swing, that made you happy or sad. I still love my my grungy young things, but you know how it goes for us multifandom types: we are fickle--even if I usually come around again after a while. Once I lose my fannish heart, it's forever.
Anyway, I've been listening to FOB's new CD a lot when in a good mood, with a bit of The Black Parade when I get particularly down. ('m also loving Pink's newest, Funhouse, while commuting.)
I avoided most of that furor over the Blender interview. When I read that article, I figured it would cause a stink. Poor boys, living in the limelight isn't fun. Poor Patrick seems especially upset.
Anyway, there are a few things that make me happy, such as the thought of a baby from Gerard and Lyn-Z later this spring. I mean, they are so adorably in love:
Look at the cute. Gee put up a sketch on eBay: "This auction is for a friend battling cancer and there are other auctions tied to this one, including some really rare MSI cd's, and some original art by my wonderful wife that appeared in the Projekt Revolution "Revolution Unseen" art book."
I've friended MCR on
my Twitter and oh, I ♥
bobbryar. I tried Fuckcity, but they posted too often and I had trouble figuring out who was saying what; nothing made sense to me, and it was annoying.
Married Ray Toro makes my heart swell. His bit about go-karting was happy making. Oh, Ray!Bob of course, was shredding everybody. His skill on the track is matched only by his love of a frothy Coffee Bean Quintuple Espresso. Whenever he whizzed by me, all I could make out was a ghostly streak of black and blue checkered flannel, and the hint of a blond beard tucked messily into a yellow-jacket helmet. He was a Norse God, sent down from the heavens to strike man asunder. This vision has not yet escaped my nightmares.
Empires photoshoot is fantastic, so full of rentboy! potential. I need more
Tom Conrad fic. Got recs?
His post about Obama reactivated my crush.
So, as you see, I'm still there with the bandom feeling. :D