HP Crack Van Rec #12: Everybody's Fool by Cluegirl (NC-17)

May 31, 2007 19:54

Pairings: Harry Potter/Severus Snape; mention of past Harry/Draco and Harry/Ron
Author on LJ: cluegirl
Author Website: Soulgarden

Why this must be read:
This long, well-paced anti-romance is the best Harry/Snape I've come across in quite a while, which is why I am choosing it as my final offereing this month. I recommend this story whole-heartedly if you don't mind an unredeemed Draco. (I know how people can be about their OTCs...)

The reasons to read this include the wealth of magical detail and the angst that is leavened by the almost cozy yet still antagonistically in-character Snape/Harry interaction. The Harry in this piece is very likeable, and his innate goodness shines.

Everybody's Fool

crack van recs, hp recs, snape/harry, slash

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