I've been hearing them almost every night, howls and yaps that make me think there are pups out there. It makes me miss my Zoe kitty, victim to hungry beasts last summer.
My second mother is about to go to Spain for nearly a month. I'll be alone longer than I've been for years. When we first moved here, more than a year ago, we rented a temporary apartment and I was there for almost two months. But even then, I was driving back and forth with our household goods, and my second mother was doing the same.
Part of me is happy for a break; I am used to living alone and it's been an adjustment getting used to a housemate. I know I'll miss her, but I have my Wash kitty, and the neighbors are friendlier. I might also go to Seattle for an overnight once o twice if I have the energy.
My plans include organizing some garden work and getting two galvanized steel planters for herbs. And then planting the season's herbs, of course. Here are the planters, now on sale: