SGA/The Dark Tower Crossover Rec: Listening in to the Darker World by shaenie (General Audiences)

Dec 15, 2013 08:47

Sorry this is late--had a hockey game after work on Friday, and yesterday I got too busy to be online.

Day 13 of 31 Flavors

This story will be confusing if you haven't read any Dark Tower and don't know the concept of twinners. It's worth reading if you have, though--you'll appreciate the characters' interactions and the ingenuity of placing the SGA team in the Dark Tower 'verse.

Listening in to the Darker World, gen, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Eddie Dean, Susannah Dean, Jake Chambers, and Roland Deschain

31 flavors, crossovers, gen, sga, recs, genslash

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