Jul 22, 2011 07:12

I have a lunch and a movie with my team today, making this is a short day, so I came in by 6:30. Too much work stuff was hanging over my head. Other fun on my agenda: watch a couple of movies and perhaps some other TV episodes (I have an ginormous backlog of new and old shows).

This weekend is going to be domestic chores--will spend several hours cleaning house. If it doesn't rain, I'll shampoo my living room carpet. I didn't mention it, but Clover was sick last week (think was a bad hairball combined with a bit of his pancreatitis), and even though I spot cleaned, I would feel better if I shampooed. I have one of those Bissell carpet cleaners I got years ago from Costco and then had in storage for a while.

Still have not done my backyard cleanup, so it's wild out back. It's quite pretty, but I spy a blackberry bramble getting obnoxious, so I might spend some time out there, too. If I have the energy. Priority is the inside.


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