Whenever I think about my financial situation I get anxious. I always worry about keeping my job given my company's history of going cheaper by using vendors and contractors, especially off-shore, for any work they can. My mortgage is scary, and I have no idea if we can refinance--we got turned down by our credit union in the review before we fully submitted, which was nice of them since they didn't charge us the $1500 non-refundable application fee. Yes, I realize I'm fortunate to have never been unemployed during this recession! But it's so scary when you are single and don't have much savings to fall back on or family who can help. I've also been snding my elderly mother money because my out-of-work nephew is living with her and her part-time job hours were cut.
And then I have the reality check posts of my flisters who are out of work, or hurting financially even if they are working, and I read the stories of the many who are long-term unemployed that are so often shared online. Like these:
http://downbutnotoutletters.tumblr.com That hardships so many are suffering really make my heart hurt.
And I'm dismayed that employers are still stigmatizing the long-term unemployed given the reality of our recession affecting so very many folks. Are they just stupid? Biased against the poor in some Calvinistic way? Or is it some comfort to them to think that the unemployed must have done something to deserve the loss, so that they don't have to face the fact that it could be them next?
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/26/business/help-wanted-ads-exclude-the-long-term-jobless.html?_r=1&src=tp Sorry to be depressing, but I can't always drown out my real-life anxiety and angst with fanfic and media. :| I'll be back to the normal fannish programming shortly.