Jun 01, 2011 04:29
1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for seven days without fail.
3. Tag seven (or as many as you want) of your friends to do the same. I tag anyone and everyone!
I thought I posted this yesterday, but it was in a private post. Oops.
What's making me happy: The progress I've made recently on my house.
When I bought my house in August of 2007, I was coming out of a divorce and was struggling with severe anemia and gastritis, which took another two years for them to diagnose as H. pylori infection. So after I moved in here, and then got stuff out of two storage places into my garage, and split up the household stuff with my ex, I was tapped out financially and physically. Before I could move in, I had to have so much work done: plumbing work, complete rewiring, asbestos removal, replastering and repainting, some small repairs. The following year was paying for a new heating system, the year after was repainting the exterior and landscaping. Last year was a major roof repair. All that wiped out any resources I had to do more on the inside.
Post move-in, work was too busy (I was getting used to a new job still), life was depressing, and I holed up here and hung on. Cut to today, when I feel better physically, have some extra money to do some more work, and have the time and energy to get that done at last.
Domestic improvements inside and out:
The work I've had done around the house (Curtains! Art put up! Kitchen work!) and the fact that the front yard is set for the summer: I love it. I've lots to do in still terms of cleanup in the backyard, but I have the resources to do this now.
My gardening efforts bring me pleasure: I planted herbs in pots out back (lemon thyme, thyme, fennel, cilantro, parsley to go with the sage that survived the winter), and bought two cherry tomato plants (Sweet 100s and Sungold, two of my favorites). I added some strawberry plants to the pot from last year. I planted a yellow poppy in the ground, and it looks like my heirloom irises will finally bloom this year. The delphinium, lavender, astilbe and various lilies are looking like they'll bloom well, healthier than they've ever been. I just hope I can keep the slugs off long enough to enjoy the blooms.
thankful thursday,
all about me,