Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay overall
Length: 240,000+ words
Author on LJ:
whizzyAuthor Website:
Page on AO3Why this must be read:
This is an epic AU of how John and Rodney meet when there is no discovery of Atlantis and McKay isn't part of SGC. It could be a canon alternate history, it feels that real. There are some fun scenes with the SG-1 team that made me giggle giddily.
I love the first novel for the ingenuity of the plot and the charm of seeing the friendship start and develop. The second book shows how Rodney adapts to life in SGC, and there are John-and-Rodney adventures with Goa'uld (h/c alert). The third novel, just posted a few months ago, is my favorite emotionally. It also features some awesome Radek Zelenka moments sure to please fans of this wiley Czech, because Radek and Rodney are long-time friends in this 'verse.
Black Helicopters at Dawn (PG), 64,000 words, John/Rodney UST
(Check out the
Cover by dossier.)
Black Mountainside (R), 66,000 words, John/Rodney preslash
Blackout Conditions (NC-17), 100,000 words, John/Rodney
Black Helicopters Series tags on AO3 - including other shorter stories in this 'verse
Black Helicopters Series tags on DW (except for "Blackout Conditions" and "Black Hole Son")