Samurai Champloo Rec: Unfinished Business by anythingbutblue (PG-13)

May 06, 2011 04:59

Day 6 of 31 Flavors
You won't know how strikingly good this Yuletide '09 story is if you haven't seen the anime, but I wanted to call it out for those who are familiar with the source. The character voices are just right. It's a post-canon glimpse of the characters in the future, but it's not too spoilery in the moments the characters think of the past.

If you haven't seen the anime, you should. The hip-hop influence is really interesting, and the visuals are stunning. (Warning for extreme samurai type violence and death, though, so it's not for children.) Also, I recommend the Samurai Champloo manga as well.

Unfinished Business by anythingbutblue, (PG-13 for language and violence, but less than in canon), Fuu, Mugen, Jin gen

31 flavors, gen, anime, recs

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