Jul 20, 2006 18:42
Tuesday was a hard day. Yes, sometimes I'm really a teary, little girl. *laughs*
I worked 6:30 am - 5:00 pm, came home, changed clothes and went to the stable. Yes, it was straw-time again. It was unbelievably hot in the barn. Most of the time my sister and me were alone, because our parents and Shivko (neighbour) were back at the fields to get more straw. *sighs* Jay and me don't like straw-time. It was hot, stuffy and the straw was sticking all over our bodies. But in the end it had to be done. So we were like "this is free workout!" And Dad's horses were watching us like "ah, we get new straw! *_*" That was so cute!
I have to mention that it was Jay's birthday. Of course she wasn't happy that she had to spend the day like this, but we love our family and therefore didn't complain. ;) After we finished at 9:00 pm I invited her to a Campari-O.
At 10 pm I finally wanted to feet my mice - just to find one of them (Gin) dead. ;_; She was 3,5 years old, and maybe she was too old for this heat. I asked Jay to bring her away. Now her twin sister (Sherry) is alone and quite confused. ;;_;; I guess she'll also die soon.
...Wooh, thunder... finally!!!
Anyway, I'm already looking forward to AnimagiC. I know I didn't want to go, and I'm ashamed that I changed my mind that easily. But I've seen the location, talked to the people who organize this event every year and yes, they seem to care about our problems (our -> me and my friends who are also part of the staff).
Plus: I'll meet Gazette. Hehe. I'm already looking forward to the concerts. And, if they are like all other Japanese guests, I'll see them at the hotel bar every evening. (Japanese guests usually party until 5:00 am. O_o;)
I want Pockys. Those with banana-flavour. ;_; It's time to spend another week in Japan, I guess.