Here I sit once again, sipping my coffee, I have just cleaned cupboards inside and out while my dinner is cooking, Baked chicken pieces, baked potatos and peas and corn, how exciting,umm thats all I have left, been trying to finish all the food in my fridge and freezer.
I just made a quick page to show anyone who is interested what I have been up to for the last few months, the url is its backed up behind a native page I made 2 years or so ago, the 2 designs are ones I did today testing this new program I downloaded. 1 shows the pavilion or bottom (the Butterfly) and the other shows lines in detail looking through the Crown (the alien or bug or whatever the heck it is).
Getting tired now, its been a long day, and going to be a long week. Moving out of my unit on Wednesday, then towing a trailer and car loaded to the max 600 kilometers on Thursday, thank god its not 2500 kilometers like last time I needed a trailer to move. Specially when my partner at the time had no drivers licence.
Today I veged a lot, I washed all my clothes, well the dirty ones anyway, and all the mats so nice and clean for my friends mother who is moving in once I am gone. Put my facet machine in the boot of my car, packed a bit, then messed in GemCad.
Take Care all