Mar 30, 2005 10:33
I'm working on a really shitty chem lab right now.. its starting to piss me off so I'm taking a break. There is nothing a hate more than lab especially with a shitty TA! I hate it... school is driving me crazy right now. I'm trying so hard to keep my grades up and they're pretty good (A's and B's) but I feel like I'm hanging onto them by a thread. I am starting to get behind on a few things and I just don't have the motivation to catch up. I have two big tests next week and the busiest weekend ever!! I would study during the week but my chem test friday is occupying all of my time right now. blaaaaahhh
So friday a bunch of us are going out to celebrate Hali's birthday/engagement at margaritas. She's 21 now so we'll be buying her drinks :o) then unfortunately I have to do the late night local.. I signed up for it thinking I didn't have enough hours but then with the whole food run van thing last week I'm all set BUT I am obligated so I'll do it.
Saturday is the retreat I have worked so hard to plan! It should be a lot of fun with the Mary-Kay party and all :oD
Sunday mom is coming to visit!! 'nough said!
Must get back to work but first, a few "yay!"'s:
- yay for driving the 14-passenger food run van!
- yay for apple pie and shots with heather!
- not so yay for the pan of chicken I drenched myself in...
- yay for spring being sprung!
- yay for FUN TIMES!