(no subject)

Nov 10, 2004 17:40

Today is a dark day for liberals -- really for anyone who values civil liberties.

Attorney General John "What Constitution?" Ascroft has resigned, and his proposed replacement is Antonio "Torture Memos" Gonzales. Yes, the man who brought us such wonderful things as 'enemy combatants' and 88 ways to beat information out of people may be the future chief law enforcement officer of the federal government.

Aside from being the first Hispanic nominated to such a position, he is also known for being quite possibly the worst pick since his predecessor, John Ashcroft. Mr. Gonzales is the bright legal mind who is credited for introducing Americans (and the rest of the world) to 'enemy combatants.' Do not be fooled into belileving that enemy combatants are prisoners of war -- they are not! POWs have rights, enemy combatants can be held indefinately without being charged or provided legal counsel. This is the legal equivalent of taking an orange, calling it an apple, and saying: Never has nature or the laws of man required us give an apple the same status as a citrus fruit!

And really, what are a few dozen legal memos between friends?
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