im in a room with deathnote!

Mar 25, 2008 11:40

dear god please dont let my name go on Lights book!!! *crosses fingers*!!!

anyway while everyone else is getting the precon squeee's im getting the pre con OH SHITS! i have most of my costume stuff ready (saya is with taters whew) and i have enuff moneys to make my time OK atm. have to find fangs for ZK and mod her outfit (jumpsuit isntead of dress i think) i also poked a hole in the nose so i can still wear my nosering (dont wanna lose that little fucker) hai rei are you doing guts again? if so i'll beat jor face up! rawrz! <3 anyway im super excited happy lalala should go pack boo lalaal OH SHIT where is my wig T.T i wanted to do a Persona 3 cosplay but i didnt have time to even think about it. Stressstress go away! anyway i gets to see ppl and happy ppl and dance dance! <3
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