Please do this! You have no idea how easily you could save someone's life. Seriously, just sit in a chair for a few hours if you are a match can make a huge difference. Now in order to find out if you are a match, you normally have to pay to get tested. But until the 22nd, you can get the test mailed to you for free. All you have to do is swab your mouth. Your info will be stored, so when someone in need is a match, you will be notified. You are not obligated to donate if you choose not to. You might not know someone who is sick right now, but imagine a friend or family memeber finds out they need to be matched. It could take weeks or months to find a match if at all, and that time spent looking for the match is greatly reduced to just a few hours if there is a match already in the system. Being able to treat someone a few weeks or a month sooner could mean the difference between life and death. Heck, even if it is you that gets sick, you'll be able to be matched sooner too!