Well, since I've been in California, I've been slowly getting to know people, and finally am starting to feel like I'm connected in again. I've my childbirth classes group, a women's bible study group, and a military families support group is starting next week. My friend
xbeltanis and her family paid us a visit last weekend, and my little sister is coming (from her University in South Carolina) to stay for her spring break at the end of February. And I've been getting regular phone calls from the friends who threw my main baby shower up in Portland.
So I've been enjoying the human contact, and in between my new activities and preparing for the birth of Sprog (6 and 1/2 weeks to go!) I've hardly been posting and not commenting nearly enough to my great flist. I have been at least keeping up with reading your posts, and am especially appreciative of
josanpq and a few others who have been posting stories regularly to take my mind off the "I'm a hippo who can barely move" problem. *grin*
Spouse is doing well now too, after a brief flirtation with a cold, and is pleased that the nursery and other such tasks are nearly completed.
Happy Groundhog day to all, and to all a good night!