First day of school.

Aug 09, 2006 08:30

Just dropped the chicklets off for school. I'm not sure which one sucked more. Chicklet #3 just started kindergarten so I'm without him for the first time in his life, which sucks. Chicklet #1, however, glared at me and wanted me to go away because I might embarrass her in front of her 7th grade friends. I knew this day was coming, but you're never prepared for it.

Going to throw myself into my work today. That's the only way to get through it until I get used to it. At least I still have my baby dogs! They look like they're playing Where's Waldo except Prince Raven is who they're looking for. They can't understand why he's not here torturing them as usual.

Looooooonnnnnnnnnng time until 2:45.

I can't date a man who uses the word "Swiffer" as a verb.
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