Retro Spec: Acceptance #2 + poetry encouragement

Nov 04, 2009 18:20

I'm happy to announce the second acceptance for Raven Electrick Ink's next anthology, Retro Spec: Tales of Fantasy and Nostalgia. "The Fix" by Marge Simon is a fantasy story set in the 40s about a woman and her great-granddaughter who have unique powers to help history's inventors along, giving new meaning to the old phrase, "the woman behind the man."

I've responded to submissions sent through October 25 with at least a hold request, if not my "final answer." I'm completely caught up on my first readings of poetry (with four submissions on hold), so if you're looking for a speedy response (at least to the holds stage), now's a great time to send your poetry.

retro spec, speculative poetry, raven electrick ink

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