Rave Review of Sporty Spec in Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature!

Mar 25, 2009 01:40

I never received tear sheets for this review, so I'm not sure exactly when it came out, though the issue is dated "Spring-Summer 2008." But my intrepid and incessant quest for Sporty Spec information has paid off.

Ernest Lindsay of Holcomb (OH) College says in his Aethlon review:

"The children of Lucas and Nintendo have marvelous fun. We get parallel dimensions, alien teams suited up for bizarre matches played on arid terrains of distant planets; we get chess games played with living creatures; we get sailing competitions between and among the stars; we get werewolves and robots and dragons as well as futuristic versions of golf, cricket, soccer, and skating and games that have been entirely invented (we pick up the rules with an engaging sort of interaction--imagine reading Kinsella without knowing baseball)."

"The collection is fun--the contributors are a refreshing mix of amateurs and published pros, and the selections offer prose and poetry ("Star Boarding," by award-winning Canadian poet Marcie Lynn Tentchoff is gorgeous)."

"Here you get quick dazzle of the games and the fantastic atmosphere of eccentric locales-but that is an effective buzz. The feel is effortless--like downing a bowl of potato chips or running through an art museum."

I've probably quoted too much, but I'm very pleased that Mr. Lindsay really "got" what this anthology is about.

Full review is here:


I found the review at 1 a.m. and have had to resist the urge to go shake hubby awake and show it to him. :-)

In other Sporty news, The Contra Costa County Library gets the award not only for best alliteration in a library name, but also as the first California library to spring for a copy of Sporty Spec. Thanks, CCCL! Other libraries owning copies of Sporty Spec are listed in this entry.

sporty spec, libraries, publications, reviews

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