I'm at the halfway point with sending out contracts for Spec-tacular: Fantasy Favorites from Raven Electrick Ink, a planned Kindle e-book for editor and reviewer favorites from Sporty Spec, Cinema Spec, Retro Spec, and Jack-o'-Spec. The stories and poems already lined up are listed below.
- Paul Abbamondi, "Art Deco and the Infestation of New America," fiction, Retro Spec.
- Paul L. Bates, "Prey," fiction, Sporty Spec.
- Lyn C. A. Gardner, "The Mustache," fiction, Retro Spec.
- Jude-Marie Green, "Hula Hoop," fiction, Retro Spec.
- Michael M. Jones, "Who Killed the Pumpkin King?" fiction, Jack-o'-Spec.
- Deborah P Kolodji, "Camera Obscura," poem, Cinema Spec.
- Lisa Morton, "The End," fiction, Cinema Spec.
- Tony Pi, "The Shadow-Witch," fiction, Cinema Spec.
- Daniel R. Robichaud II, "Autumn Jitters," fiction, Jack-o'-Spec.
- Brian Rosenberger, "Menace Anyone," poem, Sporty Spec.
- Marcie Lynn Tentchoff, "Star Boarding," poem, Sporty Spec.
- Todd Wheeler, "Less Than Perfect," fiction, Sporty Spec.
- Cliff Winnig, "The Experiment," fiction, Jack-o'-Spec.
I've made all my selections now, so no need for suspense any longer. Those I'll be contacting in the next week or so are: Camille Alexa, JS Bangs, Greg Beatty, Robert Borski ("War at the Bijou"), Bruce Boston ("beat people"), Sarah Brandel, G. O. Clark ("Putting off the Past") , Neil Coghlan, Shannon Connor Winward, Samantha Henderson ("Sugar Skulls"), Eugene Myers, Gregory L. Norris ("The Two Houses") , and Marge Simon ("The Fix").