I have two readings that just went live on the "Broadpod" podcast. The first is for the poem "The Invisible Woman Runs for President," which was published in
Strange Horizons and the second is for the story "Screening of a Silent Film" by JS Bangs, which appeared in the anthology I edited,
Cinema Spec: Tales of Hollywood and Fantasy. Here's the link to the podcast:
http://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail?pid=66039 If you scroll down a bit, you'll see, "Broad Pod Episode 2: Women's History Month." Click "Listen." That will open a new window. My portion of the program begins around 11:30 (you can just slide the dial over--counter is on the upper right). If you just want to hear the Cinema Spec excerpt, that begins at 13:15. However, there are three other lovely readers, Phoebe Wray, Jean Marie Ward, and Elissa Malcohn, and I cordially invite you to listen to the entire program. It is sponsored by
Broad Universe, an international organization which promotes science fiction, fantasy, and horror written by women.