Cough cough, ouchies pain.

Sep 09, 2006 01:33

Yeah for having Pharyngitis (not sure that is spelled correctly). For those of you who do not know what it is, pharyngitis, it's an infection fo the throat. No not in the dirty sense. It's basically a sinus infection of my pharynx. The antibiotics are kicking in though, so hopefully in a few days I'll be good to go.

I had a blast tongiht, went out with my friends and boyfriend to dinner then to Mountasia. It's a "family fun center." Basically, we played putt putt and drove go karts. That was fun. I need to get out and do stuff like that more often.

On the other note, my depression is still bothering me. I have yet to tell the parents because I am not sure how to tell them. I know we've gone through it before and they were very supportive, but I hate to have to put them through this crap again. However, without telling them about it, I can't afford the phsychiatrist. Any ideas or suggetions to let them know? Not only is my depression slowly getting worse, my anxiety is starting to kick in. It's not social anxiety. I have no problem getting up to be around people. In fact, I love being around people (friends) most of the time that I'm around them. It's the fac that I wake up and life is overwhelming and scares me. It's self destructive.

Well, it is definantly past my bedtime, so I must go and sleep. I really need to get to work on time in the morning. I just can't seem to wake up. My co-worker is staying the night though, so hopefully she'll help me wake up in the morning by yelling at me to get my ass up and out of bed. Well goodnight everyone. I shall try to update as often as possible.
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