SO I had some bent USB ports on the front of my case. My Dad had a similar case, with a toasty power supply, so easy answer right? I pull the USB ports out of my Dad's puter and bring them home. I put on my grounding cord like a good geek and put in my new ports. then I turned on my puter.
Nothing. Fans came on, power to drives but that's it, no error beeps, no beeps at all, utter failure to post.
Dead motherboard, or proccessor, most likely both. Shit.
So as long as I need to replace my mortherboard and processor, I guess I may as well upgrade. I wanted at least an AMD 939 2.2 gig processor, found one for not a bad price too at Diractron, with a nVidia Gigabyte K8 Triton board. Problem was there were no motherboards for it that also supported AGP video cards. SO I needed a new PCI E video card, so upgrade there too. I'm now at $264 spent.
However all this happened the eveing of the day before New years eve, so I have to wait from Sat. til Tues to pick up my new hardware. So on Teus I get my shiney new bits and put them in all bubley with excitement.
I go to turn it on.
It begins to boot up....
It gets to were Windows should boot up.....
It restrats.
What!?! oh yeah new MB right. Boot from CD ok
I put in my Widows OEM CD and boot from CD.
does it's setup stuff...
Windows is booting up....
Stop: 0x0000008E (0xC0000006, 0xF77B9B18, 0xF7CFEA18, 0x00000000)
setupdd.sys - Address F77B9B18 base at F779A000, Datestamp 3d6dd67F
oooookkkk well I do some serches. can't find anything except one guy in austrial a year and a half ago with the same error string, but one of them is a memory error. Ok maybe my memeory got damaged. well it's now after nine cause i did some running around. Wait till Wednsday to do more.
Wednsday off to Frys for memory. Humm may as well upgrade here too, I was at 512 mb single channel memory. ok I get 1 gig dual channel, Corsair memory. Add $160 to the price tag.
So I go back home, and put in the new memory.....
No change
Ok well more searching, and bitching to friends revials a little now alternate reson for the error in the registy, and a way to fix it. All you have to do is download BARTS PE with the Regfix plugin burn it to a cd, boot from that and...
Burn it to a CD?
errr my laptop doesn't have a cd burner. uuuuummmmm
frantic flurry of IMing follows....
Finally mycroftxxx to the recue! YAY Bear. An internet friend I'd never met in person but who is in my extended circle of friends, burns the CD for me. YAY!!!! he doesn't want dinner but I buy him a bubble tea when I drive over to pick it up.
Ok so it's now technically Thuserday I put the BARTS cd in
It runs
It finds files
I put in the regfix command
Barts desn't know what I'm talking about.
hummm laborously cheack the very long file stirng character by character.
Fix several dyslexic errors
BARTS still doesn't know what I mean....
quintuple check instructions
OH! make sure there IS a space here, not ISN'T.
Fix error.
Barts runs.
Barts finds errors.
Barts runs again
Barts finds no Errors
OK we should be in business now!
Boot Windows from CD....
Same Error string
I give up
Take computer into Tech support a Directron.
get call on Friday at 4:30 PM
computer works fine with their harddirve, must be a software problem, maybe I have a bad widnows disk, hope I figure it out, that'll be $45
GRRRRRRRRR hatered fro professional tech support.
Oh and they close by 6 and are on the other side of town. So no computer til SAt, and they are only open 11-4 on Sat, so no game if I wanna get puter. So. Well, at least I have time to borrow a diff OEM CD from
slvrdragon .
Get computer on Sat.
Put in new CD
Seems to be working.
starts windows
Runs slow
crashes when installing MB drivers
ok need the new mem after all
back in it goes.
Restart and continue installing, mulpiple hangs and restarts later....
FINALY the basically completely new computer is RUNNING HOOORAY
So that's how I spent my Holiday vaction