Title: Snape’s Summer Job
Characters: Snape, unknown wizard
Rating: R (language)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Word Count: See Author’s Note
A/N: The count on this is 110. I am asking the judges to be lenient as this is NOT at all an original idea. It comes from "Monty Python's Previous Record" and "Monty Python's Instant Record Collection" Originally transcribed by Dan Kay (dan@reed.uucp) I took the sketch from Socrates’ Argument Clinic at
http://www.mindspring.com/~mfpatton/sclinic.htm To them goes all credit. I just know that if Snape had a summer job, this would be perfect. ;-D
Severus Snape sat waiting for the first knock on the door. When it came, he bid the man enter, and yelled, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?
“Well, I was told outside that...”
“Don't give me that, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings!” hissed Snape.
“What?” the man stared.
Snape snarled, “Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type makes me puke, you vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous, PERVERT!!!”
“ Look, I CAME HERE FOR AN ARGUMENT” the man shouted back.
Snape murmured silkily, “Oh I'm sorry, but this is abuse. You want room 12A, Just along the corridor.”
“Oh. Thank you very much. Sorry.” The man left, visibly relieved.
“Stupid git.” Snape muttered.
But he still liked his summer job the best.