Thu, 20:57: RT @ _Hostile_17_: How many sodding times do I have to say it? I'm Batman...
Thu, 20:57: RT @ pourmecoffee: Ben Affleck should be allowed thirty minutes alone with Whitey Bulger in his Batman suit to do whatever he wants for Bost…
Thu, 21:06: RT @ TheBatman: Ben Affleck officially cast as Batman in the Man of Steel sequel. For the first time in history, I kind of want Superman to …
Thu, 21:41: RT @ pourmecoffee: 20 years ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs and now we have no cash, no hope, no jobs and Ben Affleck is Bat…
Thu, 21:49: RT @ badbanana: Be thankful Ben Affleck said yes. You know James Franco was next on that list.
Thu, 21:56: In Ben Affleck's defense, lots of people complained when Michael Keaton was cast as Batman and he turned out fine.
Fri, 09:06: RT @ akaWorf: 70,000 followers!! Happy Friday! Now, if only those 70,000 followers would go check out Swallow Your Bliss!…