April entered without too much of a disturbance - actually, the only prank I was subjected to was on Aoba's part. I did get a chance to stop in at Professor Yamato's office with Naruto and Sai concerning an extra credit assignment. Sasuke is honestly the only other intelligent person on this project. I must remember to thank Professor Yamato once more for the opportunity.
When Professor Maito announced his assignment the other evening, I felt compelled to seek him out in dicussion. Thank you, Professor Maito, for your time. I also hope, Tenten, you have been able to progress on your works for class.
In other news.
I got in a fight with Temari. >__> To those of you having heard any bullshit from Sai this past day concerning some misbegotten love for me, you have Temari to thank. Sai is very much happily and prattily gay. As in homosexual. As in likes it up the ass, delivers it up the ass, not a breast in sight gay. It was all a potion people.
I could kill him. And her.
[ Private ]
I wish Madam Anko hadn't shown up. Bloody hell. I'm going to have a black eye! Bitch.
[ End Private ]
In other other news, Professor Hatake believes I should be more active outdoors. Let's see how well Quidditch feels after the polishing tomorrow. -__-#