The password to the Ravenclaw Tower has been changed, which means that the roster has been cleaned up. Unless they have a hiatus banner in their profile, members who were sorted before April 1, 2009 and have not been active since April 1, 2009 have been removed from
abominableevealeurieraparecium13autumnxdaysband_geek_03barflyfightsboundandchainedcharmedashleychelley_nicolecinnleighcoonassblondiedreamydirigibleectypes emjoelle emmacbean eternaleclipse faithtigerkd fantasy_phoenixfelix_felicis2 fr0mthepast hermione_angelindrina iparadigm jademurasaki jadeserenity jellyfish72 katayla keakealani kibatsu ladeida ladykuroda leggomylegolas7 lejune maja_li maryamanda miss_padfoot missnoming moonsenorita often_adamanta paperflowered ramediosa retroshine rhapsodyinpink sandaljunkie she_homunculusso_one_day squibbly_lady7 starlight_19 tigerpetals utlawgirl utrose_graphics vyadh Lain-prefect did this list and has more than likely made a mistake, given how long the list is. o.o; She's sorry if she's accidentally removed you when you shouldn't be! If you are reading this and were recently removed due to inactivity, there is no need to panic. There are a few options available:
1. Go get resorted at
platform_934. This is recommended for anyone who hasn't been around for a very long time, or if you feel like your personality's changed and want to try again.
2. You can leave a comment here and let the mods know how you're going to be more active and involved in Ravenclaw House if we let you back in. I'm not saying you have to sign away your life or anything, just tell us that we aren't going to be deleting you after another few months of inactivity.
3. It's possible that we made a mistake and deleted you on accident. If you've been active lately, please leave a comment letting us know. We should know who you are. :)