Jan 22, 2019 11:35
Since I'm eligible again, I went on in to the monthly blood drive and donated. Unlike some other times I remember, everything went swimmingly---my blood pressure's behaving itself beautifully, my iron count was up to where it should be, and the donation had no problems at all. That's a refreshing change from having them guddling around on my arm looking for a usable vein, I can tell you!
This turns out to be Pint #91. If I hadn't been ineligible for a year after my surgery, I'd be up to 12 gallons---as things stand, though, I figure that I'll hit the 12-gallon mark in November, as long as I donate every two months.
If you're reading this and you think you're eligible, do please try to donate. There's never enough blood, and there's no substitute for the red red krovvy when it's needed. If I keep up the way I've been going, I should be past the 12-gallon mark sometime this year.
blood donation,