Today I found, to my disgust, that my water heater's back on the fritz. This has been a recurring problem ever since I came home from California. And I am furious about it.
Part of the problem is that the damn thing is not something I can relight by myself. The IDIOTS who designed it saw fit to put the GODDAMNED pilot light (which keeps going out, which is why the stupid thing keeps going bye-bye on me) WAAAAY down close to the floor, and I am not built to get down and guddle around on the floor. I make no apologies; I'm going to be 57 in less than a month's time, and I think I have a right to not be as agile (or as sharp-eyed; that damn basement is not well-lit) as I was when I was 17.
Another problem is that this has happened again and again and again and again and again! Once or twice a year, I'm more or less used to and resigned to...but this has long since lost whatever novelty it ever had.
And I am irritated because I am so GODDAMNED dependent on that stupid pilot light! Honestly...this is 2018, why should I need to have an OPEN FLAME so I can have what most people take for granted...a hot shower in the morning?
If I had had a choice about where I lived, I might be less bitter, but I did not choose this house, and would not have chosen it had I had a free choice. The only time in my whole life I got to choose where I lived was 1990, when I was living down in Ames.