1. Your entire Saturday evening is organized around Doctor Who.
2. You do not leave the sofa until the very, very end of the credits.
3. You own at least one Doctor Who DVD.
4. You wonder exactly why people are still staying in London at Christmas.
5. You buy any and every magazine or newspaper that has a Doctor Who related article.
6. The weeks after a series ends, you find yourself automatically checking BBC 1 on Saturday evening - just in case.
7. You spend a great deal of time trying to figure out all the different future outcomes of Earth, such as the Dalek Invasion of Earth in 2150, the movement of the planet by the Time Lords in Trial of a Time Lord, the destruction of Earth referred to in Hartnell's "The Ark", the destruction of it referred to in "Frontios", and the repopulation of it in The Sontaran Experiment.
8. You have cried at some point over the death/departure of one of the main characters.
9. Just because Doctor Who has finished it doesn’t mean you can have the TV - I’m watching Confidential
10. You would consider moving to Cardiff just for the chance to see it being filmed.
11. You are subscribed to the Doctor Who Magazine.
12. At least 10% of your Facebook groups are Doctor Who related.
13. You have, at some point, read Doctor Who fan fiction.
14. You actually don’t know how you will survive almost 2 years without a Doctor Who series.
15. You still wonder what happened to Ace.
16. You secretly hope that you will one day see the TARDIS parked somewhere.
17. You get very irritated if you see someone write “Dr.Who”.
18. You have defended Doctor Who in an argument
19. You have won said argument.
20. You exercise extreme will power, wait and save for the box sets for each series because know they are much better than the individual DVDs.
21. You have been to the Exhibition and posted all of your photos on Facebook even though everyone else already has.
22. You practically live on the official Doctor Who website.
23. You have a Doctor Who related screensaver/desktop picture/avatar/cursor/username/password.
24. You spend endless hours on BBC i-player re-watching that week’s episode.
25. You have downloaded an episode into your i-player library.
26. You have forced family/friends/postman to watch Doctor Who.
27. You get very excited when you see the merchandise in the shops.
28. You know it is a crime to write any of the following: Tardis, tardis, trds, tARDIS.
29. You are considering buying a sonic screwdriver. You don’t know why. You just want one.
30. You know who Murray Gold is and you think he’s a genius.
31. You have resorted to YouTube in order to watch Doctor Who.
32. You like to quote Doctor Who at unexpected times and grin to yourself when no one realizes.
33. Most of your conversations lead to Doctor Who.
34. You do bring a banana to a party.
35. You own or want a Tom Baker scarf and would happily wear it pretty much most of the time.
36. You know exactly when it is repeated and you make time to watch them. Even if you own them already.
37. Your snowman was a Dalek, TARDIS or similar.
38. You get very excited when you see actors from Doctor Who in other programs.
39. You find yourself absentmindedly drawing the TARDIS and Daleks on the corners of pages.
40. You accept that, although Torchwood is amazing, it can never quite beat Doctor Who.
41. You're endlessly explaining to people that David Tennant does not play 'Doctor Who' but just 'the Doctor'.
42. You spend a large portion of your time planning how to be cast as the next companion, even though you can't act to save your life or alternatively, devising ways to break onto the set to watch it being filmed.
43. You tried to get tickets for the Doctor Who BBC Prom.
44. If you failed to get said tickets, you listened attentively on the radio, rushed to the computer in the interval to watch the clip and then raced back to the radio.
45. You got excited when you saw pictures of a Red Dalek outside the Royal Albert Hall on BBC News.
46. On Facebook, you are listed as a fan of Doctor Who, David Tennant or any other actor who has played a main part.
47. You've compiled a fanmix [not using the series soundtracks] based on the Doctor Whoniverse, its episodes, mythos, and/or you've composed your own music inspired by Doctor Who.
48. You have named at least one family pet after a main character.
49. You want to try/ love Jelly babies, simply because they are mentioned by both the Doctor and the Master.
50. You go to one of the exhibitions just for the purpose of having your photo taken with a monster just so you can put it as your profile picture on Facebook.
51. Every time you have to say goodbye to someone you sing Doomsday (sometimes you add horrible lyrics to it).
52. Every time you wake up you sing the Westminister Bridge theme, complete with beatboxing.
53.At Christmas you tell two of your friends to go outside, then you burst out of your front door, stumble into their arms, say "I have to tell you something important, what was it ....oh yes.... Merry Christmas!" and pretend to pass out.
54.Do it again, video tape it, and post the video on Facebook.
55. Every time a political candidate shows an ad on tv, you absentmindedly start drumming the Master's theme on whatever surface you can find.
56. You refuse to use the bluetooth hands-free headsets -they will lead to your eventual 'upgrade' to a Cyberman.
57. Everytime you go to the beach you can't help but think of Bad Wolf Bay.
58. You have become convinced you're a fob-watched Time Lord. Or your friends say you are.
59. When someone says you're like your favourite companion, you can't help but feel incredibly proud. Even if it was meant as an insult to both you and that companion.
60. You have in depth discussions about whether or not Gallifrey survived the Time War.
61. You plan and replan the first five trips you take in the TARDIS
62. You start taping the master's theme when you get nervous.
63.When people ask what you think of the London Olympics in 2012, you just scream, "Watch ur kids!"
64. You answer every question with "BAD WOLF".
65. You are getting so tired of the presidential race, you are considering voting Saxon
Taken from the Facebook Group of the same name.