
Oct 14, 2007 07:58

(snagged from turkish_delight)

Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing. Second two people; second pairing. Etc. Then write your reaction to each pairing (or a snippet of a hypothetical fic featuring each pairing).


I think someone who can hear the cries of the Planet wouldn't be too happy about a Decepticon invasion. ;)

Cait Sith/Cid Highwind

Hmmm... do we count Cait and Reeve as seperate characters here? Either way, I imagine it'd be both cracktastic and terminally cute.

Cloud Strife/Cthulhu

Cloud can't catch a break, can he? :p

Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill

They're close, but I prefer to see it as the friendship/comradeship/"brother he never had" kind of closeness.

Jenova/John Sheppard

Hey, he's used to dealing with alien nasties. :p

Kestrel/Luke Skywalker

Well, he does like redheads. :p

Mara Jade/Nanaki

Oh boy... Platonic interaction would be interesting from a "What would a Jedi have to say to the guardian of Cosmo Canyon and vice versa?" angle. Anything beyond that, and I'll remind you of the "I don't like two-legged things" line.

Reno/Rose of Titanic

I'm imagining this amazing crack!AU with Reno in the role of Jack... is it bad that I now want to see this?


Got recs? :)

Rosso the Crimson/Samantha Carter

Now I'm imagining a crack!AU where the Tsviets are Goa'uld and the cruel System Lord Rosso has captured our Sam...


She could infect him with TB (assuming his Jenovafied physiology would even allow for it), and then... oh dear, a pale, wan, coughing Sephiroth would be such fangirl fantasy it's not funny.


One of my favourite crack pairings.

Tara Maclay/Teyla Emmagan

The kickass leader of the Athosians and the beautiful witch... sounds like a match made of pure awesome,
at least for as long as I can silence the "Tara belongs with Willow forever!" part of my brain.

Thrust (Armada version)/Thundercracker (G1 version)

I wouldn't want someone as manipulative as Thrust anywhere near TC. *protective*


Again, a combination I prefer to see as friendship.

Willow Rosenberg/Ysanne Isard

Somehow, I don't think Willow would enjoy it.

Yuffie Kisaragi/Zack Strife

Unless you go the AU route, we'd be looking at serious lolicon. *squicked*


I dare you leave it to you to write the ficsnippets. Especially the Aeris/Bonecrusher.

meme stuff, oh the crack

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