Feb 25, 2007 05:13
1. Why the fascination with Baroness?
She's a hot evil lady with glasses. Need I say more? :D
2. Favorite pairing/trine/whathaveyou in any fandom, and why?
Skywarp/Thundercracker. I love them individually, and I love how they fit together. If I was to go any deeper into the "why", you'd still be sitting here tomorrow, reading my 'ship manifesto. ;)
3. Tell me how Steadfast was born.
In-universe, she wasn't born as much as built. In a factory in Vos, 'cause that's where they made Seekers. Sparked by Vector Sigma. In other words, she had normal beginnings that weren't particularly exciting, I'm afraid. I just had no reason to have it be otherwise. Which brings me to...
How I came up with her, the short version: I decided to give one of the nameless background Seekers a name and a story and a personality. I wanted to write about a female Decepticon which, at the time (before Thunderblast was created), pretty much required writing an OC.
4. How did you get into Transformers?
While I do have fuzzy memories of seeing the Transformers on TV "back when", I came into Transfandom, such as it were, during the time of Armada. Ironically, though, I was still more drawn to G1 pretty much right from the beginning. It was the characters that drew me in. Particularly Starscream. Yes, while Skywarp and Thundercracker have since taken his place as my favourite Seeker(s), Starscream fangirldom was my gateway drug. ;)
5. If you could go anywhere in the world and do anything for a year and a day, no reppurcussions, no limitations, no worries, where would you go, what would you do, and why?
Okay, assuming that my S.O. could go anywhere for a year too, 'cause I'd like to have him along... I think I'd spend lots of time meditating and such. Half of the day, anyhow, the other half would be for creative and/or fannish pursuits. *geek yogini* And of course, travel 'round the world to meet all my friends-from-other-time-zones... in between trips to quiet tropical islands. Oh, and if I could really do anything? Play a role in the new Transformers movie. Even if it was just "screaming civilian to the left".
meme stuff,