time for a few unpopular opinions

Apr 01, 2007 23:35

*sigh* Let's see if I can rival the Superbowl post.

I hate What Not To Wear. )

heroes, fandom rant, personal

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yma2 April 2 2007, 20:09:25 UTC
1: What not to wear.
Kinda agree. I've only seen the british vertion and, whilst I think the women to help occasionaly, I also think it's all a bit stupid and there are far better ways to do it. I just don't bother with the show. I trust in my friends and family to tell me what looks good, and I'll wear what I choose to wear. I don't realy care about clothes all that much.

2: See... I kinda agree and dissagree.
Nathen: Yeah... I see what you mean. But... but... I think I like him anyway, he provides that sort of much needed element in the show. Also, I dissagree about him being any sort of main character. I think he's actually one of the lesser Heroes. Hiro and Clare and Peter all have bigger parts than him, IMO.
I think he's needed, that element of cynasism and grayness, in a Hero no less, is needed on this show. Yeah, he's got his faults, but I think he adds a certain flavour to the story which is needed. He's not a favorite, and I do like him. And what he is is no worse than Hiro, who is the Token Foreign Character and Is The Comedic Releaf. Which is pretty cruel considering that basically they are playing 'Laugh At the Strange Foreign Person' game.
But I still love Hiro.
Peter... Yeah, I have more of an issue with. I still like him, I guess, but he is a bit perfect. He is set up to be the Main Character, to an extent, and that annoys me. I like him in a way, I think he's very useful to the story and I'm as happy to watch him as I am most characters, but I can very much understand your annoyance.
I don't think that Heroes will, or does, suffer too much from Lost syndrome. Now, don't get me wrong, I've never actually seen Lost but I know enough about it to know what the complaints are about.
But Heroes, structually wise, is in a very different position.
The problem with Lost was that it had/s a centeral mystery that, once solved, effectivly ends the show. Where to go once they got off the island/discover what's going on?
And as it's doing well they have to constantly keep stringing viewers along to get the revinue, which must be very annoying.
Heroes, however, dosn't really have that problem. The current, important plot theme of Heroes is Stopping the End of the World (or at least New York,) But, if they do that, it won't end the show. There'll be other problems/mysteries of the show. Who is Mr Linderman? What's going on with this Organization Without Initals? Who will Syler kill next? What is Hiro's father up to?
The only 'over arcing' things I can see is 1: the question about how much of the future can be changed. and, 2: The strange signal that keeps turning up. The former is actually quite a big question, but not big enough, I think, to destroy the series if it were answered. The second one is a question only the viewers, and not the characters are answering. If the writers are smart they'll keep it that way for a while, or else wrap it up in this series.
I think Hiroes has the potential to be like Lost but, so far, they are neatly avoiding those traps.

3: Boyfriends are often loverrated. Love is underestimaged. And Relationships are a bitch. You will get someone, I know it.


yma2 April 2 2007, 20:20:51 UTC
Adding this on because previous post was getting far too long and I was called away.

Ok... going back to no 3.

I know how you feel. It can be increadibly frustrating, a year ago I found it wierd that I was still single and with no relationship lasting longer than three months to my name, wheres as my mother, at my age, was getting married.

I cuold shot you with all that stuff like, 'waiting for the right guy,' and stuff like that. But to be honest that is an amount of BS. Will you fall in love? Proably some day. Will someone fall for you? Probably some day. Will it happen together? Fuck knows.
We are in a society that drives women to need some sort of male attatchment. It's one of the reasons so few of my favorite characters, in any genre, of female. I'm not very keen on romance, it bores me as a rule, and with almost all female characters you care to name Romance, of some sort or another, is a major feature of their over archign story line.
I can say nothing much to you except to be yourself, wait for someone and take what you want but understand what you have taken. Don't grab shit and wait for it to become gold.
Also, remember this...
In a relationship the most important thing is NOT love. That's second most. The most important thing is trust. Whoever you go with, trust them, be honest, and make sure they trust you and are worthy of your trust.
That trust will almost certainly be broken at some point or other, but at least you can minimize how badly and how often.
But yeah, good luck with the BF but, if you can, try not to stress about it too much.


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