adventure and poll

Jan 20, 2007 00:19

Attempted to go to a 4:15 showing of Children of Men with verbotenwidow and dirt_dragon, but we were waylaid by traffic on the way to Starkvegas (name changed to protect the stupid). Got tickets early for a later show, went to Barnes & Noble, ate at Abner's, FINALLY got ourselves seated at the movie only to be surrounded by some MS State jackasses who A) had no clue what the movie was coming into it and complained variously about it not being happy, gory, or spelled-out enough, as well as it not having enough shit blow up, B) talked loudly, continuously and obliviously through even the quiet and/or music-free scenes, and also opened something that was crinkly and plastic, not sure what, during the part where Michael Caine's character is shot, and I cannot begin to describe how pissed that particular disrespect made me, and C) crowded past everyone else in the theater when they left and got all up in everyone's way (there were over a dozen of them), complaining girls ("it was so saaaad! we have to see a happy one next time!") clinging obnoxiously to complaining boyfriend's arms ("so stupid, man, I didn't get it, what was the point, why didn't they just blow up/shoot [insert object/place/character here]").

Die die die die die.

Anyway. WE went and got comfort ice cream afterwards and sat outside in the freezing cold to eat it. We is Honors College kids. We be smart. >_< (But at least we can recognize brilliant movies when we see them and speak intelligently about them afterwards.)

So there's our adventure in the closest big-university town to Columbus (which is a small-college town, a VERY different creature. Ahem.).

And now for a poll! Not a real poll, because I'm too lazy to figure that out.

For the moment, I've finished all the stories that had very insistent plot bunnies nibbling at my brain (or in the case of Monism, gnawing in a zombie-like fashion). But I still have a truckload of story ideas that have developed or been left unfinished over the months (and years). I am at a stage where I could pick any recent fandom I want to get back into, re-watch some of it, and buckle down for a real marathon of creative production. The question is, which fandom? (I can't multi-fandom well, as I just discovered when FMA and Bleach refused to coexist in my brain for longer than three days.) I also have the option of simply going over some of my unfinished work, finishing and polishing it. I'm in a terribly creative headspace (and when I say "terribly," I mean it; it's insanity on a stick and I NEED to write something, I just can't pick what) and I feel capable of anything (with the one exception possibly being tackling the mountain-gorilla-on-my-back that is Earth to Earth, the specter of unfinished fiction that's haunted me through the past five years -- please don't ask about the state it's in. Please. I already know.).

So here are two lists to vote on. What do you want to see from me? Multiple answers from each list is fine, but give me some justification to work with, too, please.

What Fandom Do You Want to See More Exploration of From Me?
1. Bleach
2. Fullmetal Alchemist
3. Last Exile
4. Harry Potter
5. Pirates of the Caribbean

What Stories of the Following Would You Most Like to See Finished? (Some have been partially posted, some are already anywhere from 1 to 50 pages complete on my computer; pick at will.)

-"The War Prayer" (Fullmetal Alchemist): Two of three chapters posted, third almost finished. Scar & brother war backstory, character exploration, many of the same violent themes as Monism; difficult to write.

-"And On the Surface, Die" (Pirates of the Caribbean): Davy Jones-centric fic with heavy leanings towards Bootstrap Bill and Norrington as well, set between the second and third movies and proposing a possible scenario for the first meeting between the Flying Dutchman and the East India Company.

-"Of Human Bondage" (Harry Potter): Fairly massive sixth-book AU originally started for a Severus/Remus challenge before the sixth book even came out, but it is more than half finished and I don't hate it, though it does need work. It spans the school year but only explores Snape and Lupin in that time frame, so it isn't overwhelmingly complex, plot-wise. It was based on a combination of two prompts: "Snape needs a werewolf "part" (anything from fur to semen) for a new potion" and "All werewolves must have an owner."

-"Face Value" (X-Men): I think it's pure bull-headedness that makes me keep dredging this one up. It was planned for six parts, five long and one epilogue, and I wrote the first four with no trouble. It's post-X2, and asks what would happen if the Professor offered Nightcrawler the image inducer seen in the comics. I like the first four chapters a lot, and while it could probably stay as is without seeming incomplete, I keep picking at the scab. Does anyone want to see the ending as it was originally intended?

And my other 5 stories for 7stages (besides "Thy Native Innocence" and "Folie a Deux"):
-"Cry Havoc" (Fullmetal Alchemist): Greed/Dorochet. Prompt is "sing the blues." I'm thinking some kind of slow, thick atmosphere, heavy on the club-owning, businessman-whose-business-is-pleasure aspect of Greed's lifestyle and the mindset of those who follow him. Dorochet is ideal for that because of his half-dog nature. And it would be a counterpoint to the sort of antisocial Greed I wrote in the first two stories for this challenge.

-"Infection" (Fullmetal Alchemist): Greed/Envy. Prompt is "the world below the brine." A period piece, using the sort of abstract-parallel nature of the FMA universe to assume that the Great Plague of London affected that universe as well as ours, and both Envy and Greed witnessed it in their "youth," as it were. (Assuming they've both been homunculi for something approaching 400 years.)

-"Divinity Within Them" (Fullmetal Alchemist): Greed/Ed? Prompt is "glass moon." I have no solid plot here. I don't really want it to be a solid pairing, just an abstract look at the nature of their lives and the brief but vital ways in which they intersect. "Divinity Within Them" comes from Milton's description of Adam and Eve first becoming sexual beings at the moment of the Fall, and I wanted to look at episode 34 with an eye to the metaphorical. But I also don't want to get too pretentious-literary, so a hint of plot would be nice first.

-"Immortal Longings" (Fullmetal Alchemist): Greed/Dante? Prompt is "dragon tears." This pairing makes me twitch. But it's canon; as a human, Greed was Dante's lover, and she killed him and turned him into a homunculus for whatever reasons of her own. This could be the story of that betrayal (or was it a betrayal?) or it could be a kind of before & after, or both. Any interest in seeing this? Any ideas to help a plot along?

-"Via Negativa" (Fullmetal Alchemist): Greed/Lust? Prompt is "concentric ceilings." Even less of a fixed plot idea here; I want to write something to do with Greed's fall from favor and the beginning of his imprisonment, but I have no clue. Characters that have flitted through my mind who could conceivably be instrumental include Envy, Dante, Hohenheim, the previous Lust or the previous Sloth... I don't know. Ideas? Interest?

-Any and all of the 99 stories left for my Fanfic 100 claim of Last Exile: General series: I have absolutely every one outlined with a word prompt, a T.S. Eliot quote prompt, a character or set of characters to explore, and a basic idea for a plot. That's a LOT to work with. I will be going back to the old post with the list of Eliot quotes and updating them with the rest of my outlines so that anyone (mostly Yma...) who cares about this LE project can point out which of those stories they'd be interested in seeing done first. I'm seriously considering getting back into the LE fandom now that I'm in a tiny bit of a lull.

Vote, discuss. Pretty please? If nothing else, just spin me around and point me in a general direction. I don't have aaaaany preference and the lack of decisiveness is killing me, especially after the rabid plot bunny attacks that have kept me moving forward over the past few weeks. Be selfish and demand something of me.

Also, if you want to see me do some idea of your own, drop your request in a comment and I'll attempt something short on it, no shorter than a drabble but no longer than 2000ish words. I WANNA WRITE SOMETHING DAMMIT AND I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS.

And with that note, have a nice day!
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