Fic: Dualism

Dec 16, 2006 04:30

First off, a disclaimer: I swear on a stack of holy books of your choice that I DID NOT KNOW THIS EXISTED until last night. My only explanation... um... Great minds think alike? Its title is "Stranger Things Have Happened" and, er, this is proof? *nervous* Officer, I've never seen this porn before in my life. *bows in confused misery ( Read more... )

bleach, fic

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ravenclaw42 January 2 2007, 21:24:38 UTC
Thanks!! You know I always love your page-long comments. ^_^

Ishida is so utterly, utterly revenge driven.
Entirely true. I think it goes a little further than that, too, in that he lets himself be revenge-driven because he doesn't want to consider the more complicated, more difficult path he could take -- continuing his Sensei's life's work. He thinks if he just focuses his anger on revenge instead of trying to eradicate his anger and cooperate with/get close to other people, he won't get hurt. And that choice is what proves Ishida's youth and naivety, which is a lovely little counterpoint to his academic genius and older-than-his-years attitude.

Ichigo is a protector, but how can he protect anyone against himself?
I love that. (I think that sentence may actually be my jumping-off point for the NEXT sequel. Hahaha it never ends! XD) Your comments about power are dead-on. All of Bleach is about power, really, not just in the "can he level up to beat the next boss in time?" sort of way (although that has its moments, *coughcoughKENPACHIcough*). But although the network of relationships among ALL the characters is so complex and detailed, nearly every relationship comes down to a power issue, from the most minor (Karin keeping Isshin in line) to the most disturbed (whatever the hell is going on between Gin and Kira). I think it would be fascinating (and crazy-making) to try to outline all the power issues in Bleach. It would take weeks, I'm sure.

Smut happans, apparently.
Hah. *sheepish* Yeah, I don't really write smut as a habit, but like you said, the built-up tension needed something significant to relieve it, and I did set out with the intention of writing some serious IchiIshi.

The imagry, especially where you hint of Ichigo's hollow
My favorite thing to write in the whole thing! *would huggle Hichigo except would get ear bitten off or something equally fun*

Thank you for the comment (again)!!! Hah, and since I'm late in replying, you've already written me another, so I guess that makes it my turn. XD


yma2 January 2 2007, 23:19:27 UTC
I like page-long comments to. I'm trying to force myself to write them more, and you're stuff is generally good enough I find pleanty to say.
He thinks if he just focuses his anger on revenge instead of trying to eradicate his anger and cooperate with/get close to other people, he won't get hurt. And that choice is what proves Ishida's youth and naivety, which is a lovely little counterpoint to his academic genius and older-than-his-years attitude.
I'd never, ever thought of him like that. I must admit... I like it. I think he's also trying very had to live up to something, almost a super-hero ideaology. It shows how utterly geeky, yet utterly loverble he is too. I think I remember seeing Ishida described somewhere as 'a dork trying increadibly hard to be cool.' And I think that's very true. He's really quite an interesting guy and I do so love him, squishy little Quincy...
He's realy rather insecure, when you think about it...

You're writing ANOTHER sequel? YES!!! That makes Yma a happy Yma! :D

And you're right about the 'power' thing. In that fic you challenged me with... it started off as one thing and inevitably ended up about power... especially from Ishida's POV. Power is centeral to Bleach, in one way or another. It's a really interesting show, dispite it's never-endingness.

I look forward to yuo writing about Hichigo (I'm quiet liking the term Shirosaki as a name for him at the moment, dunno why,) I'm quite intreaged by him and so... yeah... your view on him would be facinating. My favorite bit of Shirosaki cannon is ep 36 (I think) when we see him and Zangetsu talking. That's... interesting.

No problems about the late comments, I'm just happy to see replies!


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