In the words of the late, great Douglas Adams: "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
Yeah. Chapter 12 not going so good. Actually, all writing not going so good. Having a bit of the old block. Well, more like having a bit of the old exhaustion-that-comes-from-straining-your-brain-to-read-four-books-at-a-time-and-write-a-15-page-chapter-in-a-week. Plus school. And the fact that I have to write a children's book obout uranium this weekend for Chem, which is possibly the dumbest assignment I've ever had and I found it very irritating and unpleasant to go on the US Air Force's website to find a picture of the Little Boy atomic bomb to go in this children's book that's going to be all censored and crap anyway because our teachers and boards and such are all morons who think we need to write like 3-year-olds in order to understand anything. In researching for this book, I have learned an enormous amount of useless information about uranium. Is any of it going to be explainable to a young child in two or three sentences per page, all consisting of two-syllable-or-less words? No. Not in a million years. At that rate, it'd take two dozen pages just to explain what an isotope is.
I HAVE LEARNED! I have learned by teaching myself, by researching and reading a lot of material, and now I am as educated as this assignment could possibly make me, and yet I have completed NONE of the assignment itself! I will now be forced to waste large chunks of my life dumbing down all the high concepts that I have JUST TAUGHT MYSELF and make them watery and stupid enough to feed to small children!
*growls in hair-ripping frustration*
You know why Knives can hardly move or speak or anything in EtE, and why he gets mad at his body for being clumsy, and why he begs to be taught new things? Because that's how I feel, and I'm projecting. Because this school, this "education" I'm getting is SUFFOCATING ME. The last time this happened I dropped out and did homeschool instead, but this time I can't because I don't have anyone to teach me math, which no one in my family does all that well, no offense to them. And, you know, if I didn't have Knives and various other fictions to vent through, I don't know what I'd do.
Anyway, the entire point of this was to say that chapter 12 won't be up this weekend. Sorry. Blame my stupid-ass Chem assignment. (Not the teacher; trying to be fair here, the teacher is okay. The assignment, however, is stupefyingly moronic.) Maybe I'll be more rational tomorrow.
Now I've made myself mad. Pardon me while I go find something to hit, preferably that won't hit me back but that will make my knuckles hurt significantly.