Title: The Quality of Mercy
Fandom: Kingdom of Heaven
Rating: PGish
Warnings: Canon character death, lack of historical accuracy. >_>
Summary: Saladin only met Baldwin IV a few times, but they were enough to make an impression that lasted forever.
Notes: Liek omg it is amazing how much this is based on the very, very fictionalized movie characters
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I'd like to read some of this stuff too.
If you can take some serious slash smut, the_lepic really is an entertaining read. A bit more feminizing of Baldwin than I can agree with, but... oh well. It's all such silliness, anyway, but mixed with just enough gravity to make its length worthwhile.
Um, oh! There were a couple others I can actually link. Someone claimed Baldwin at the fanfic100 challenge, and they've got five stories done already (linked from the table of prompts there). They're short, but very good. And I haven't dared to start sifting through much of the crap over at fanfiction.net, but I skimmed the first page and found this, which I thought was lovely. I have a soft spot for the "unmasking" plot device, as you can probably tell.
Hope that was at least marginally helpful. ^_^
even if Baldwin stories always make me so damn sad.
I know, it's just about impossible to find Baldwin fic that isn't depressing, isn't it? Canon character death pretty much sucks. :/
I'm kinda toying with the idea of another KoH story, but I don't really know what, and I have so many other writing projects I ought to be working on... but with all the joys of spontaneity (aka fandom!ADD), you know, there could very well be more. ^_^.
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