bitten by the writing bug!

Jun 11, 2006 00:07

I had gotten a pretty decent start on cleaning my room, planning new room arrangement, drawing fanart50 art, reading massive piles of books, etc, when what what should happen but that I get bitten by the writing bug? That elusive spark of inspiration that hasn't reared its finicky head for nigh on a year? Ah, fickle love. Anyway, this has rendered me all but useless around the house. Damn, because I wanted my room clean before I left. Oh well, I may force myself to finish all that work-like stuff on principle. But hot damn, I actually want to spend hours at a time writing! I have been so empty without that feeling.

Two medium-short things near-finished:
1. (Working title) "Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi" or "The King is Dead, Long Live the King." (French people in the fandom but not in the story -- oh the quandary. Reminder that this is only my working title and I'm desperately shopping for a better one.) Baldwin-centric fic from Saladin's POV, Kingdom of Heaven, fictionalized liekzomg. Yah, I did a bunch of research on Baldwin. (None at all on Saladin, Montgisard, Kerak... the Crusades... shall I continue?) No, I haven't applied much of it to the story. I can't make the real Baldwin IV roll in his grave much more than various and sundry leper porn already has, so.

(I suspect myself of underhandedly choosing to write this Baldwin fic from Saladin's POV just so I could write dialogue for Saladin and then imagine him saying it. Ghassan Massoud's voice & accent = meltworthy. "Were you not close enough to a great king to learn from his example?" *puddles* Also so I could rewatch certain scenes ostensibly to make notes on who rode where and said what when, while I was in fact drooling over the Arab characters' accents and cheering madly for Baldwin's shining moment of riding crop-assisted ass-whooping. And I have much more love for Sibylla now that I've noticed how she starts forward to catch Baldwin when he falls, post-Reynald-thrashing.)

2. First of the Last Exile fanfic100 stories, as yet untitled, for prompt 77 "What?". Euris, Alex, Sophia and Vincent are still at flight school; there's a festival-holiday, and Euris manages to drag Alex into a fortune-teller's booth.

Both within a page of being finished. *happy dance* Then I think I'll let the KoH bug die down for a bit and conserve my writing energy for FF100 as that's sort of massive. "Earth to Earth" and the as-yet-unbetaed, unposted "Of Human Bondage" still on the backburner. Everything else... if there was anything else... pretty much kaput at this point. Le sigh.

Six Things About Me

• We have three cats - Zippy (Zipcode, found under a mailbox as a kitten), Harvey (demonspawn), and Frosty. Frosty was my Christmas present when I was five or six. I got to choose between two kittens at the pound -- they both had pretty bad colds; one was black and one was white. I picked the white one and we kept him locked in one of the bathrooms until he got better. I thought he was lonely in there so I would sit on the floor for hours at a time with a stack of books and alternate between reading and playing with Frosty. He then rode around in my Marvin the Martian baseball cap until he got too big for it. Now he's a wuss with sewage-breath and explosive shedding issues, but that's okay, because he's still my Christmas kitty.

• My birthday is on the 4th of July. For a little while when I was young, I really did think the fireworks on the 4th of July were for me. Also, my parents had (jokingly?) decided to name me Shasta Peroxide for a girl or Shasta Forty-Weight for a boy, until Mom had a flash of intuition that my name was Sarah, which cancelled out all previous plans. (Delivery doctor suggested I be named Shasta Firecracker when it became apparent that I would be born on the 4th.)

• I don't respond well to any suggestion that I can't do something. Actually, to be more specific, the suggestion that I can't read something. I have read some truly out-of-my-age-level things just because they were out of my age level. I also have some sort of mental block about excerpts or reading at random: I generally read everything (even things in dictionary or encyclopedia format) straight through so that I don't miss anything. This is why I have not managed much of the Bible.

• I read the first two parts of "The Once and Future King" by T.H. White and had to stop. Not because I didn't like it, but because I loved it so overwhelmingly that I was literally afraid of it ever ending. That's never happened with a book before or since. (But there's still time.) And I don't know if I'll ever be able to read "The Queen of Air and Darkness" again, because of the unicorn.

• I read encyclopedias for fun and I got a 6-inch-thick dictionary for my 13th birthday. Despite this, I always sucked at spelling bees. I chalk this up to the first word I was ever asked to spell being "worry," which made me paranoid. The fateful deathtrap word of my brief spelling bee career was "verbatim," which I spelled "verbatem" because all I had to go on was phonetics.

• Since I started writing in earnest I have filled 56 normal 8.5x11" spiralbound notebooks with longhand writing and have somewhere between 2 or 3 hundred unfinished story ideas scattered around on my computer. The very first fanfic I ever wrote was a John/Aeryn Farscape fic involving tickling, called "They've Got a Secret." It was two pages longhand and shall never see the light of day. It was AWFUL. Compare to most recent fanfic ever: semi-historical character study/tragedy involving leprosy, politics, and death. No tickling. Promise.

What is tagging worth? Nothing. Everything!

Argh, too much KoH.

Back to writing!

ETA: Heart-stopping moment of panic when attempting to open "KoHBaldwinSaladin" story file. "I/O error has occurred" or some such; it won't open. I won't be able to figure out if I can save it until morning, when resident computer expert Dad is awake. But SALDKJSADL;IUTFGAPSDKFLKDFGLKASFDJLSAJFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK is all I have to say if it's a lost cause. (The last time a kernel panic crashed the system -- which has been happening rather constantly recently -- the file was open, with only a few words unsaved. But I've had files recover after going through kernel panics before, so -- so -- wtf? Why won't it open? *pulling out hair*) *deep breath* Must calm down. Must go to sleep. Cannot deal.

ETA 2: Dad is my hero. File dead, but he managed to recover the contents. Insert hysterical relieved laughter here. In other news, I have had about 4.5 hours of sleep. *falls over*

king baldwin, meme, random

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