I am a nerd.

Feb 04, 2006 00:15

Harking back to that thing about liking Dune. I've gotten in the habit of surfing Wikipedia during Journalism because I clearly can't read porn on a monitored school computer, and wikipedia is educational, really truly (even when I'm reading about Stargate -- really, it is!). 6_6... 9_9... *whistling*

Anyway, through a long series of links, ended up on the Coriolis Effect. And I read the theory and thought, "Hey! This is awesome!" (I took my AIM name, CoriolisSand, from the Dune books, but I never really knew what the Coriolis Effect was before today.) But that's not the nerdy part. The nerdy part is this: just above the section on the theory was the formula, and when I read the equation, without evening reading the explanation my first thought was "OMG that's easy!" I actually bloody knew what all the Greek stood for, and how to solve for it. And I had a brief shining moment of love for AP Physics then and there. XD

So yeah. I'm a nerd. I like it.

Okay, random personal crap out of the way -- I've drawn the initial sketch for my next fanart50 thing. Prompt 32: new place. It needs a lot of cleaning up and I have plans for coloring it (scary plans, but my coloring is usually kinda wimpy, so this time I'm going for LOTS of color, just to see if I can). But that might not happen for a while, as I have set building and costume fittings and practices all weekend for Joseph.

Until then, here's the sketch.

Ugh. Sleep now.

fanart50, trigun, random, art

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